Presentation MEP Seán Kelly - EC, final SAILS conference European Parliament
Presentation Dr. Odilla Finlayson - project coordinator, final SAILS conference European Parliament
Presentation Ana Arana Antel - EC, final SAILS conference European Parliament
Presentation Martina Roth - Intel, final SAILS conference European Parliament
Presentation Vanessa de Andrade - science teacher, final SAILS conference European Parliament
Presentation Robert Clarke - science teacher, final SAILS conference European Parliament
Peer-assessment as important tool during inquiry on reaction rates in UK class
Assessing with rubrics & teacher observation during biology class in Sweden
Different assessment tools used in inquiry activity on oil disaster in Irish school
Assessing the collaborative process during inquiry on polymers in Irish class
Inquiry & assessment unit on electricity and conductivity in Polish class
Self-assessment Arrow Rubric in inquiry lesson on chocolate chip cookie mining in UK
Investigating micro gravity in inquiry activity on International Space Station In Portugal
Assessing students with rubric during inquiry on electricty in Slovakian class
Biotechnology – Millions that can generate billions?
Martian Bacteria in Alentejo?
Goats and Humans, resources and sustainability: what’s the story’s end?
Assessment approaches that could be used or adapted for a range of inquiry skills
National Turkish SAILS event
Inquiry & assessment units books translated to Turkish
Inquiry based science education in joint science exam in Denmark
Different assessment methods tried out in inquiry science lesson in Ireland
Assessing inquiry skills during an activity on sound absorption in Turkey
The power of simple experiments to investigate complex scientific concepts in Ireland
Assessment of inquiry during a woodlice investigation in Irish school
Experiences with inquiry based teaching & assessment in Turkish School
Self-assessment and peer-assessment tried out in Slovakian school
Inquiry activity in Sweden: How does salt affect our vehicles?
Inquiry activity on boiling of liquids in Slovakia
Engaging students in inquiry learning using Mobile Digital Science Lab in Greece
Assessing attitudes and skills in Belgian science classes
Inquiry based learning with PI number in Polish math class
Looking at the change of students’ behaviour during inquiry lessons in the UK
Assessing planning skills in inquiry on micro-gravity with portuguese students
Improving reasoning skills through inquiry based science learning in Hungary
Where You Will Get to Like Science: Student Laboratory at Szeged University
Matching a mandatory experiment with inquiry based learning in Irish school
Assessment in role playing game on topic of Biotechnology in Portugal
How to improve the image of a camera obscura (pin-hole camera)
SAILS partners on future plans in their country
SAILS partners on project achievements in their country
Webinar: Train teachers in Inquiry and Assessment - SAILS Project
Black tide - Oil in the water: Teacher perspective on students' assessment
Speed Activity: Teachers perspective about students' assessment
Do Students perform in an Inquiry Based Learning Approach as assessed by a Formative Assessment
Using Moodle and e-Assessment Methods during Collaborative Inquiry
Computer-based experiments as IBL-exercises
"Egg collison" and "The bottles content"
Organic Chemistry through Visualisation
Bacteria from Mars in Alentejo: teacher perspective on students’ assessment
Assessment of selected biological activity based on inquiry at lower secondary
Natural selection – using lego creatures at the lower secondary school level
Woodlice unit – application and assessment at the lower secondary school level
Studying the temperature dependence of the speed of chemical reactions
Tutorial based worksheets to enhance student understanding of static electricity and magnetism
Free Falling Eggs Reaching Different Types of Ground
“Young Scientists” through IBSE
Scientific Student Laboratory – Where You Will Get to Like Science
Goats and Humans, resources and sustanability: what's the story's end?
The Diagnostic Assessment of Scientific Literacy
Is yeast alive? the experiences of testing an inquiry task
Studying the decomposition of starch in saliva
ISI 2015 (Innovation, Science, Integration)
The proof of the pudding - Tools and Strategies for Assessment of an IBSE lesson
Defining and Assessment of Cognitive Outcomes of IBSE
Investigating misconceptions in mechanics using mcqs
Experience with inquiry activities and their assessment in Slovakia
Designing Formative Assessment Lessons in Mathematics
Introducing STEM education in secondary schools: KOGEKA’s story
“That’s mad! There’s More Calories in Nutella than Crisps
Sailing on an analyte – results of a case study on galvanic cells unit
Assessment of selected aspects of inquiry on properties of plastics
The Assessment for Learning Audit instrument (AfLAi)
Assessment in the Pedagogy of Inquiry
The SECURE project
Why teachers should want to follow our curriculum design?
Issues in policy and practice in the assessment of IBSE
The Flemish (Belgium) assessment system in secondary education
Interview Prof. Simos Retalis on the challenge of implementing a new assessment strategy in IBSE
Interview Dr. Christine Harrison - challenge of implementing a new assessment strategy in IBSE
Interview Dr. Paul van Kampen - challenge of implementing a new assessment strategy in IBSE
Interview Dr. Yalcin Yalaki - challenge of implementing a new assessment strategy in IBSE
Interview Dr. Mats Lundström - challenge of implementing a new assessment strategy in IBSE
Interview Prof. Paul Black - challenge of implementing a new assessment strategy in IBSE
Interview Prof. Cecília Galvão - challenge of implementing a new assessment strategy in IBSE
Workshop at King's college in the UK
Cookie Mining
Design and build a 3-D food pyramid
Black Tide – Oil in the Water Irish version
Cooking food Irish version
Proof of the pudding Irish version
Chemical reaction speed
Decomposition of starch in saliva
Galvanic cells
Piscivorous birds
Rate of Changes
Inquiry puts the pupils in the driver’s seat
Fifth SAILS General Assembly in Szeged, Hungary
Why quality inquiry practice is worth the time and effort
SAILS Winter School at the Jagiellonian University, Poland
National Polish SAILS event - teacher interviews
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